Foundations Information & Resources

Dedicated to Building
Self Determination with
Brain Based Learning Strategies

Lisa C. Moser,  BM, M. Ed, MT-BC

Welcome Statement:

Welcome to the Foundations Information & Resources. We will make every effort to keep you informed in regards to:
1. Necessary required paperwork in the documentation of learning difficulties and supports
2. Important information concerning College Board Testing deadlines
3. Learning Links to promote the concept of "time and repetition" in understanding concepts,  reinforcing practice to improve understanding and memory, encouraging critical thinking boosting confidence, and elevating performance.


New Student Orientation & Welcome to Bishop Snyder Foundations!

SAT College Board is Changing- Going ONLINE -See the attachments concerning SAT ONLINE with accommodations.  Filing assistance will continue with Foundations and the Accommodations Plan will show College Board accommodations when they are different from School-based accommodations.
SAT Weekend Testing Staff

SSD Parent Brochure -What You Need to Know

In-School Accommodations for the Digital SAT Suite

Tips and Tools for the Online SAT

Documentation for College Accommodations & College Board Testing

The PSAT, SAT, and other College Board tests have gone digital. In response to this move, Foundations is developing a new addition to the Accommodations Plan to reflect specific student needs with necessary and required accommodations.

Here is a link to explore and explain the new digital format. Students may use the practice offered to prepare for this digital test.


Transitions Seminar - Planning Night Invite  
Are you ready for your College Applications for Accommodations?

Transitions Presentation 

Student Support Services Flyer

 If you would like a copy of the Disabilities Worksheet, please email Mrs. Moser. lisamoser@bihsopsnyder,.org 


Midterm Finals are coming! - Oct/Nov

Midterm Exam Accommodations Information

any necessary ACCOMMODATIONS  for  Mid-Term EXAMS?

Now is the time to ask! The deadline for requesting accommodations from your teachers is coming soon.

Extenuating circumstances due to illness, etc. 

Important Deadlines

Foundations FeeDue by September 30, 2024

Your Foundations fee covers so much!  Our fee is minimal given the many perks. Seniors do not have a fee in honor of their years of hard work. Here are some of what the fee goes to :)

  • Supplies that they can stop and pick up   (extra pens, pencils, Post-its, index cards, markers, and other materials needed on the spot)
  • Unlimited copying and printing - color copying
  • Use of a Chromebook on loan during the day. 
  • Anxiety tools, fidgets, and other supplies
  • Filing for ACT and SAT 
  • Technology tools and platforms including  Texthelp and Grammarly
  • Correspondence in some cases for the Federal  Office of Disabilities Services 
  • The Transitions Seminar (Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors) 

SAT and ACT Test Dates and Accommodations Application Deadlines

This information will assist in the registration process for the ACT and SAT. Please note that only special testing accommodations for the ACT and SAT are provided at Bishop John J. Snyder. These accommodations coordinate with a student's documented difficulty relating to Psych Ed Testing, Neurological Reports, or other vetted paperwork required by the College Boards. Application is a process involving several steps. Please consult Mrs. Moser or Mrs. Tichy with particular questions.

Learning Links

We’ve compiled some of the most useful websites for high school students and grouped them into categories below. Whether you need help with research or want to start looking into applying for college, these links should help you out!

Links for Learning

Additional Links:

Quizlet - Whether you design your own flashcards or work as a team, this memory aid is awesome! If you are a kinesthetic learner, you'll want to print them as well! REMEMBER to link and pair. It's the way to go! Plus, it's FREE.

Kahn Academy - Want to review what you heard in class in a different way? Need another explanation or perhaps just want to learn a bit more?  or perhaps study for the SAT? These links are for you! Learn more on Youtube and see their article on SAT.

Kahoot - Use this free version and sign up for quiz gaming to help with memory. Although it doesn't coach critical thinking, it will help you get the basics down for sure!

Mathnasium - Online Math Tutoring. Costs will vary - Live One to  One online tutoring. Costs will vary. Free to Military and dependents


Orientation Slides

ADHD Support Group

Information on Learning and Thinking Differences

Florida Diagnostic Learning Resource Service

Spectrum Support and Education

Hallow: Managing Anxiety the Catholic Way- Don't forget to check out the resources offered by Campus Ministry! Here is one featured each year: Hallow - App for iPhone and Android. Hallow is an app with the Rosary and many different prayers, sleep stories, Bible in a Year with Father Mike Schmitz, and a Holy Hour "Praylist". 

Council for Exceptional Children 
(This is an organization for professionals and parents and addresses all learning difficulties)

Learning Disabilities Association- Parent information & Support

Transitioning to College Slides - Power Point of current information to assist students in understanding expectations with regards to accessing accommodations and meeting college transition goals.

Free Online Webinars with Florida Shines - Many great webinars to learn everything from financial aide to courses and certificate information on registration and the college experience.

Transitions Planning Night Presentation - Thank you to the students and their families for attending the Planning Night. the information provided was to access necessary supports and accommodations at the College Level. The material was valuable and the contact list included in this PowerPoint presentation can help you with further questions.  

Whichever college your student chooses, remember that (1)testing must be updated in the 3 to 5-year window to show continued need, (2) contact the Students for Students with Disabilities Office or Student Support Services Center with necessary documentation which includes your Foundations records with the current Formal Plan, (3) work with the School Counseling office with application and transcript documentation.