Encountering Christ
Retreat Program
Retreats are mandatory at Snyder, because they are one of the best ways we live out our mission. Retreats offer students opportunities for students to focus on their relationships with God and with each other. They offer experiences of prayer and spiritual growth and development.
9th Grade – “The Great Adventure”
Freshman Retreat activities are conducive to a focus on prayer, faith, a relationship with Christ, meeting new classmates, forming community, and building self-esteem. Time is allotted for individual and group reflection.
- One-day retreat on campus during school hours
- Ends with a class Mass
- Junior and Senior Retreat Leaders
- Meet prior to retreat for planning
- Present witness talks
- Lead small groups
- Plan and put on skits
This retreat is scheduled for August 29, 2024 and is mandatory for all freshmen. There is a fee associated with this retreat to cover the cost of the T-shirt and retreat supplies.
10th Grade – “Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me.”
Sophomore Retreat activities are conducive to a focus on prayer, faith, a relationship with Christ, overcoming obstacles, having the courage to make good decisions, preparing for Reconciliation and The Passion of Christ. Time is allotted for individual and group reflection.
- One day retreat off campus at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
- Includes a class Mass
- Junior and Senior Retreat Leaders
- Meet prior to retreat for planning
- Present witness talks
- Lead small groups
- Plan activities
This retreat is scheduled for April 15, 2025 and is mandatory for all sophomores. There is a fee associated with this retreat to cover the cost of lunch, the retreat T-shirt, the venue, guest speakers, and supplies.
11th Grade – “Called to More”
Activities are conducive to a focus on prayer, faith, communication, service, discipline, and physical and mental challenges with teamwork. Time is allotted for individual and group reflection.
- One-day retreat off campus from 8:30 am until 3:00 p.m.
- Snyder teacher chaperones
This retreat is scheduled for March 6, 2025 and is mandatory for all juniors. There is a fee associated with this retreat to cover the cost of transportation, challenge course, lunch, the retreat T-shirt and supplies.
12th Grade – “God’s Love is Everlasting”
- Off Campus
- Overnight
- Mass is celebrated upon return to campus.
- Snyder teachers are the chaperones and retreat leaders
Activities are conducive to a focus on prayer, faith, family, community, letting go of past mistakes, reconciliation, self-knowledge, being one with Christ in the present moment, hopes and practical ideas about the future.
This retreat is scheduled for September 26-27, 2024 and is mandatory for all seniors. There is a fee associated with this retreat to cover the cost of transportation, lodging, food, lunch, the retreat T-shirt and supplies.