Bishop John J. Snyder High School is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. In keeping with this commitment, the school will not tolerate harassment or discrimination on the basis of a person’s protected status, such as gender, color, race, ancestry, national origin, age, physical disability, mental condition, marital status, veteran status, citizenship status. All employees, faculty members and students are protected under this policy. In addition, this policy applies to all conduct occurring on school grounds, at assignments outside the school, or at school-sponsored events. All students are responsible for helping to assure that any harassment or discrimination is reported. If a student witnesses or learns of any conduct that violates this policy, the student must immediately report the incident to his/her principal. If, however, the principal is the individual who is believed to have engaged in the inappropriate conduct, the student should notify the Superintendent of Schools of the Diocese of St. Augustine. If an investigation reveals that inappropriate conduct has occurred, the school will take corrective action based on the circumstances.
Any adult or alumni who wishes to serve in a volunteer capacity that is of a supervisory nature are required to have fingerprinting/background check and to complete “Protecting God’s Children”, a diocesan based program. Both of these are coordinated by VIRTUS Online. Instructions for accessing this site are listed below.
- New to VIRTUS: Click here for instructions on creating an account necessary to complete the background check and for attendance in a Protecting God’s Children class.
- Current VIRTUS Users: Click here for instructions on accessing your current VIRTUS account.
Fingerprint clearances are good for five years. A Protecting God’s Children class is a one-time requirement. However, if it has been five or more years since you attended the Protecting God's Children class, then you must log into your Virtus account and complete an online module entitled: A Plan To Protect 4.0.
Many other volunteer opportunities are available and are a wonderful way to meet new people and stay involved in the life of the school. The Spring Fling Auction and Cardinal Classic golf tournament are two great ways to volunteer and have a great time. Campus Ministry often has activities that can utilize the assistance of adult volunteers.
Please download and view the following if you are interested in volunteering:
- Procedures for reporting suspected child abuse (English) (Spanish)
- Procedures for reporting suspected professional misconduct
- Diocesan Ethics Policy
Please refer to the diocesan website for more information about the Protecting God’s Children Policy by clicking here. Choose “Reporting Abuse.”